1. 2014年,国务院特殊津贴(独奖)
6. 2010年,宝钢优秀教师奖(独奖)
8. 2010年入选自治区草原英才工程三层次人选
9. 2008年入选自治区新世纪321人才工程第二层次人选
1. 吸附-光催化氧化方法治理制药废水抗生素残留
2. 光催化还原法治理水体重金属污染
3. 光催化方法治理空气污染
4. 分子材料计算机模拟
5. 太阳能光解水制备氢气
1. 国家自然科学基金,角蛋白自组装交联策略制备羽毛炭基吸附-光催化材料并应用于高浓度制药废水深度治理, 21777078,65万元,2018.01-2021.12,主持
2. 内蒙古科技应用与开发项目,高性能钛胶联类石墨烯活性炭吸附-光催化材料可控制备及对VOC吸附和催化性能研究,30万元,2017.01-2019.12,主持
3. “草原英才”滚动支持项目,10万元,2017年,主持
4.国家自然科学基金,基于离子耦联的钽酸盐基PN异质结的构筑及水环境药物残留的光催化深度降解处理, 21567017,48万元,2016.01-2019.12,主持
5. 无机合成与制备化学国家重点实验室开放课题,新型高选择性可再生钽酸盐阳离子捕捉剂的制备及机理研究,2016.01-2018.12,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金项目,负载型可见光钽酸盐催化剂的制备及对重金属离子吸附和还原能力研究, 21267014,54万元,2013-2016,主持
4.内蒙古科技厅应用技术研究与开发项目,负载型可见光钽酸盐催化剂的制备及对重金属离子吸附和还原能力研究, 20120423,20万元,2012.01-2015.12,主持人
9. 国家自然科学基金,面向内蒙古自治区丰富钽矿和稀土矿资源转化利用的高效光催化材料合成及其宽光谱响应机理研究, 20967004,33万元, 2010.01-2012.12,主持
11. 国家自然科学基金,内蒙古自治区钽资源在光催化方面综合利用的试验和理论研究,2086300410,14万元,2009.01-2009.12,主持
12. 教育部“春晖计划”,稀土增强、染料敏化太阳能电池材料研究与开发, Z2007-1-01034,4万元, 2007.01-2009.12 主持人
13.内蒙古自然科学基金重点项目,稀土氧化物添加剂对半导体光催化材料能带隙的调控作用以及光催化增强技术研究, 200607010202,2006.01-2008.12,主持
14.教育部科技重点项目,稀土氧化物添加剂对半导体光催化材料能带隙调控作用的研究, 206145,2006.01-2008.12,主持人
15. 教育部留学人员科研启动基金项目,环保光催化材料的设计、合成与相关技术研究,教外司(2006)331号,2006.01-2008.12,主持人
16.教育部“春晖计划”,甲烷催化燃烧反应机理及吸附脱附过程的研究,Z2004-2-15028, 205247,2005.01-2007.12,主持人
17.内蒙古人才基金,纳米半导体光催化材料的合成以及结构性能研究, 12100307, 2005.01-2007.12,主持人
18.内蒙古教育厅科学研究项目,稀土氧化物添加济对半导体光催化材料能带隙的调空作用以及光催化增强技术研究, NJ05027,2005.01-2007.12,主持人
19.半导体光催化材料能带隙的调控规律研究以及新型光催化剂的合成, 太阳集团tcy8722531人才科研预研基金, 205145, 4.0万元,主持人王晓晶教授, 2005.01-2007.12
20. 太阳集团tcy8722高层次引进人才启动基金项目,环保/能源一体化功能光催化材料的设计、合成与相关技术研究, 204052, 2004.01-2006.12,主持人
在J. Am. Soc. Chem. Chem. Commun. Journal of Hazardous Materials,Chem. Commun. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Appl. Catal. B, J. Hazard. Mater.等国际知名期刊发表学术论文100余篇,其中SCI 收录论文67篇,J. Am. Chem. Soc. 等1区论文6篇,2区论文23篇。出版专著1部,获授权专利2项,是Chem. Mater.,J. Hazard. Mater.,Inorg.Chem., J. Phys. Chem. C,Appl. Catal. B:Environ.,Environmental Science & Technology等二十余种国际期刊(含一区,二区杂志)审稿人,曾三次在国际学术会议上做邀请报告,在国内学术会议上做邀请报告8次。
1. Huiqin Li, Jingtao Hu, Xiaojing Wang*, An investigation into the rapid removal of tetracycline using multilayered graphene-phase biochar derived from waste chicken feather, Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 15, 39-48. (SCI 4.9, 2区)
2. Zhanli Chai, Zhanzhong Wang, Xiaojing Wang*, Regenerated CO anti-poisoning ability by anchoring highly oxidized platinum on oxygen-functionalized carbon spheres in one-step & two-phase synthesis for methanol electro-oxidation, CrystEngComm, 2017, 19, 4815-4823. (SCI 3.474, 2区)
3. Huiqin Li, Jingtao Hu, Xiaojing Wang*, Development and assessment of a functional activated fore-modified bio-hydrochar for amoxicillin removal, Bioresource technology , 2017, 24, 168-175. (SCI5.561, 1区)
4. Huiqin Li, Jingtao Hu, Xiaojing Wang*, Removal of Amoxicillin in Aqueous Solution by a Novel Chicken Feather Carbon: Kinetic and Equilibrium Studies, WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION, 2017, 228(6), 201. (SCI1.702)
5. Xiaoqing Liu, Yiguo Su, Junyu Lang, Zhanli Chai, and Xiaojing Wang*, A novel Au-loaded Na2Ta2O6multifunctional catalyst:thermocatalytic and photocatalytic elimination of the poisonous nitrobenzene derivatives from wastewater under natural condition, Journal of Alloys & Compounds, 2017, 695:60–69.
6. Yanyong Song, Guoxia Li, Xiaojing Wang*, Eu Ions Site-selective Doping and Nonstoichiometric Chemistry of NaTaO3 in Na-rich Environment, CHINESE JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY, 2017, 36( 5) , 856-862. (SCI0.583)
7. Fang Wang, Tingting Wang, Xiaojing Wang*, Improved photocatalytic activity and durability of AgTaO3/AgBr heterojunction: The relevance of phase and electronic structure, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL, 2017, 426, 52-59.
8. Li Lv, Hao Zhai, Xiaoqing Liu, Yiguo Su, and Xiaojing Wang*, Structure and Optimum Luminescence for Nearly Block-Like LaOCl:Eu3+ Nanoparticles, Journal of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 2016, 16(4): 3786-3790,(SCI4.211)
9. Huayu Gu, Guanjie Xing,Xiaojing Wang*, A novel strategy to promote photo-oxidative and reductive abilities via the construction of a bipolar Bi2WO6/N-SrTiO3 material, RSC Advances2017, 7 , 52218-52226. (SCI3.108)
10. Shushu Huang, Junyu Lang, Xiaojing Wang*, Enhanced driving force and charge separation efficiency in disordered SnNbxOy: Boosting photocatalytic activity toward water reduction, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 2016, 309, 313-320. (SCI6.216)
11. Xiaoqing Liu, Lingnan Qu, Shuo Wang, Lv Li, Yiguo Su, and Xiaojing Wang*, Self-Assembled NaTb1-xEux(MoO4)2: Synthesis and Luminescence Properties,Journal of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 2016, 16(4):3700-3704.
12. Yiguo Su, Mengqing Liu, Dan Han, Lv Li, Tingting Wang, and Xiaojing Wang*, Ce3+ and Ln3+ (Ln = Dy, Eu, Sm, Tb) Codoped SrF2 Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Multicolor Light Emission Journal of Nanoscience & Nano- technology, 2016, 16(4):3956-3960.
13. Lingnan Qu, Junyu Lang,Shuwei Wang,Zhanli Chai,Yiguo Su, Xiaojing Wang⁎, Nanospherical composite of WO3 wrapped NaTaO3: Improved photodegradation of tetracycline under visible light irradiation, Applied Surface Science, 2016, 388:412-419.
14. Junyu Lang, Shuwei wang, Chongyan Li, Xiaojing Wang, Improved photocatalytic performance under solar light irradiation by integrating wide-band-gap semiconductors, SnO2, SnTaO3 and Sn2Ta2O7, Materials Today: Proceedings 3 ( 2016 ) 424 – 428.
15. Yuhang Wu, Congyan Li, Yanhong Zhao, Xiaojing Wang*, A new preparation strategy via in-situ catalytic process: CeO2@Ag/Ag2Ta4O11catalyst toward p-nitrophenol reduction,
16. Lv L.,Wang T.,Li S.,Su Y., Wang X.*,Tuning the optical, electronic and luminescence properties of LaOCl:Eu3+ via structural and lattice strain modulation,Crystengcomm,2016,18:907-916.
17. Xin Xin, Junyu Lang, Tingting Wang, Yiguo Su, Yanxia Zhao, Xiaojing Wang∗, Construction of novel ternary component photocatalyst Sr0.25H1.5Ta2O6·H2O coupled with g-C3N4 and Ag toward efficient visible light photocatalytic activity for environmental remediation, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2016, 181, 197-209. (SCI7.435,1区)
18. Zhanzhong Wang ,Quanyu Suo,Caixia Zhang,Zhanli Chai, Xiaojing Wang*,olvent-controlled platinum nanocrystals with a high growth rate along and enhanced electro-activity in the methanol oxidation reaction,RSC Advances,2016.07.01,6:89098-89102.
19. Guanjie Xing ,Lanxiao Zhao,Tao Sun,Yiguo Su,Xiaojing Wang*, Hydrothermal derived nitrogen doped SrTiO3 for efficient visible light driven photocatalytic reduction of chromium(VI),SpringerPlus (2016) 5:1132,2016,5(5):1132-1145
20. Junyu Lang, Congyan Li, Shuwei Wang, Juanjuan Lv, Yiguo Su, Xiaojing Wang*, Coupled Heterojunction Sn2Ta2O7@SnO2: Cooperative Promotion of Effective Electron–Hole Separation and Superior Visible-light Absorption, ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES 7 (2015) 13905-13914 (SCI6.723, 1区).
21. Yiguo Su, Junyu Lang, Chunfang Du, Fenggang Bian and Xiaojing Wang*, Achieving Exceptional Photocatalytic Activity and Selectivity through a Well-Controlled Short-Ordered Structure: A Case Study of NaxTaOy⋅n H2O, ChemCatChem 7(2015) 2437–2441 (SCI4.556, 2区)
22. Niri Wu, Quanyu Suo, Hui Wang, Zhanzhong Wang, Zhanli Chai and Xiaojing Wang*, Concentration-dependent platinum nanoassemblies with morphology-controlled electroactivity and high durability for direct methanol fuel cells,CrystEngComm,2015, 6716-6723, 17(35)(SCI4.034, 2区)
23. Yiguo Su, Shushu Huang, Tingting Wang, Liman Peng, Xiaojing Wang*,Defect-meditated efficient catalytic activity toward p-nitrophenol reduction: A case study of nitrogen doped calcium niobate system,Journal of Hazardous Materials 295 (2015) 119–126 (SCI4.529,1区)
24. Xiaoqing Liu, Juanjuan Lv, Shuo Wang, Xin Li, Junyu Lang, Yiguo Su, Zhanli Chai, Xiaojing Wang*, A novel contractive effect of KTaO3 nanocrystals via La3+ doping and an enhanced photocatalytic performance, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 622 (2015) 894–901, (SCI 2.999, 2区)
25. Yanhong Zhao, Ruoyu Wang, Zhixia Han, Congyan Li, Yongsheng Wang, Bo Chi, Jinqiang Li, Xiaojing Wang*, Electrooxidation of methanol and ethanol in acidic medium using a platinum electrode modified with lanthanum-doped tantalum oxide film,Electrochimica Acta 151 (2015) 544-551. (SCI 4.086, 2区)
26. Guanjie Xing, Changhe Tanga, Bo Zhangb, Lanxiao Zhaoa, Yiguo Sua, and Xiaojing Wang*, A highly uniform ZnO/NaTaO3 nanocomposite: enhanced self-sensitized degradation of colored pollutants under visible light, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015,647,287-294, (SCI 2.999, 2区)
27. JUAN JUAN LV, YU LU LIU, YI GUO SU, ZHAN LI CHAI, AND XIAO JING WANG*, Doping Effect of Cobalt Ions Incorporated1 into NaTaO3 Nanocrystalline, Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2015, 164, 145-153. (SCI0.357, 4区)
28. Junyu Lang, Mengqing Liu, Yiguo Su, Lijuan Yan, Xiaojing Wang∗, heterostructured CsTaWO6/Au/g-C3N4 hybridphotocatalyst with enhanced performance of photocatalytic hydrogen production from water, Applied Surface Science, 358 (2015) 252–260 (SCI2.711, 2区)
29. Yiguo Su, Yanxia Zhao, Yingjie Zhao, Junyu Lang, Xin Xin, Xiaojing Wang∗, Novel ternary component Ag-SrTa2O6/g-C3N4 photocatalyst: Synthesis, optical properties and visible light photocatalytic activity , Applied Surface Science, 358 (2015), 213–222 (SCI2.711, 2区)
30. Yiguo Su, Junyu Lang, Na Cao, Tingting Wang, Baoling Zhu, Xiaojing Wang*, Morphological reconstruction and photocatalytic enhancement of NaTaO3 nanocrystals via Cu2O loading, J Nanopart Res (2015) 17:63-71 (SCI2.184, 2区)
31. Mengqing Liu, Li Lv, Xiaomeng Du, Junyu Lang, Yiguo Su, Yanxia Zhao and Xiaojing Wang*, Photo-synergistic promoted in situ generation of Bi0–BiSbO4 nanostructures as an efficient catalyst for nitrobenzene reduction, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 103013–103018 (SCI3.840, 3区)
32. Tingting Wang, Junyu Lang, Yingjie Zhao, Yiguo Su,* Yanxia Zhao and Xiaojing Wang*, Simultaneous doping and heterojunction of silver on Na2Ta2O6 nanoparticles for visible light driven photocatalysis: the relationship between tunable optical absorption, defect chemistry and photocatalytic activity CrystEngComm, 2015, 17, 6651–6660 (SCI4.034, 2区, cover paper)
33. Yiguo Su, Dan Han,Chunfang Du,Liman Peng,Li Lv,and Xiaojing Wang*,Facile Synthesis and Enhanced Near Infrared Luminescent Properties of CaWO4:Ln3+/Na+ (Ln = Nd, Er, and Yb) Core/Shell Microstructure,Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2014, 14, 3948–3952 (SCI1.556, 4区)
34. Xiaoqing Liu, Li Lv, Shushu Huang, Yiguo Su, and Xiaojing Wang*, Microwave-Assisted Synthesis and Luminescence Properties of Cd1−xEuxMoO4 Red Phosphor, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2014, 14, 3618–3622 (SCI1.556, 4区)
35. Yuli Ma, Xiaoqing Liu, Yang Li, Yiguo Su, Zhanli Chai, Xiaojing Wang*,K4Nb6O17•4.5H2O: A novel dual functional material with quick photoreduction of Cr(VI) and high adsorptive capacity of Cr(III),Journal of Hazardous Materials, 279, 30,2014, 537–545 (SCI4.529,1区)
36. Li Lv, Xiaoqing Liu, Cong Xu, and Xiaojing Wang*,Synthesis and Optimum Luminescence of Doughnut-Shape Undoped and Doped CaMoO4,Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2014, 14, 3521–3526 (SCI1.556, 4区)
37. LI Guo-Xia YANG Xu HAI Li-Si, CHAI Zhan-Li, WANG Xiao-Jing*, Tuning of NaTaO3 Band Structure through Mn2+ Ion, Doping and the Enhanced Visible Light Response, Chinese J. Struct. Chem. 2014, 33( 5), 771─778,0.441 (SCI0.507, 4区)
38. Yiguo Su, Xin Xin, Yafang Wang, Tingting Wang and Xiaojing Wang*, Unprecedented catalytic performance in disordered nickel niobate through photo-synergistic promotion, Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 4200-4202(SCI 6.834, 2区)
39. Xiaoqing Liu, Shushu Huang, Yiguo Su, Zhanli Chai, Hao Zhai, Xiaojing Wang∗, A novel adsorbent of Na2Ta2O6 porous microspheres with F− gradient concentration distribution: High cationic selectivity and well-regulated recycling, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 265 (2014) 226– 232 (SCI4.529,1区)
40. Yiguo Su,Tingting Wang,Xin Xin,Lijuan Yan,Meng Wang, Xiaojing Wang*, Materials Letters, Ultra-small niobate based red phosphor showing highly luminescent performance, Materials Letters 124C (2014), 85-88 (SCI2.489,2区)
41. Zhanli Chai, Hui Wang, Quanyu Suo, Niri Wu, Xiaojing Wang*, Thermoelectric metal tellurides with nanotubular structures synthesized by the Kirkendall effect and their reduced thermal conductivities, CrystEngComm, 2014,1–8,1, Cite this: DOI: 10.1039/c4ce00005f, (SCI4.034, 2区, cover paper)
42. Yiguo Su, Liman Peng, Jianwei Guo, Shushu Huang, Li Lv, and Xiaojing Wang*, Tunable Optical and Photocatalytic Performance Promoted by Nonstoichiometric Control and Site-Selective Codoping of Trivalent Ions in NaTaO3,J. Phys. Chem. C, 2014, 118 (20), pp 10728–10739 DOI: 10.1021/jp412236u,(SCI 4.774,2区)
43. Xiaoqing Liu,Juanjuan Lv,Shuo Wang,Xin Li,Junyu Lang,Yiguo Su,Zhanli Chai,Xiaojing Wang,A novel contractive effect of KTaO3 nanocrystals via La3+ doping and an enhanced photocatalytic performance,Journa of Alloys and Compounds,2014,622:894~901
44. Yiguo SuJunyu Lang, Liping Li, Kai Guan, Chunfang Du, Liman Peng, Dan Han, Xiaojing Wang*,Unexpected Catalytic Performance in Silent Tantalum Oxide through Nitridation and Defect Chemistry, J. Am. Chem. Soc.2013,135(31), 11433-11436, (SCI10.677,1区)
45. Yiguo Su, Junyu Lang, Kai Guan, Dan Han, Chunfang Du, Xiaojing Wang*, Molecular sensitized GdF3:Eu3+ for color tuning and highly enhanced luminescent properties, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 407(2013) ,164–167, (SCI3.172,3区)
46. Li Lv, Yiguo Su, Xiaoqing Liu, Haiyang Zheng, Xiaojing Wang*, Synthesis of cellular-like Co3O4 nanocrystals with controlled structural,electronic and catalytic properties Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2013,553,163–166, (SCI2.390, 2区)
47. Zhanli Chai, Quanyu Suo, Hui Wang and Xiaojing Wang*, Mesoporous Lanthanum Phosphate Nanostructures Containing H3PO4 as Superior Electrolyte for PEM Fuel Cells, RSC Adv., 2013,3, 21928-21935 (SCI3.840, 3区)
48. Zhao, Yanhong,Li, Congyan,Zhao, Wen,Du, Qiangqiang,Chi, Bo,Sun,Jinjing,Chai, Zhanli,Wang, Xiaojing,Electrocatalytic oxidation of ascorbic acid on a lithium-doped tantalum oxide film coated electrode,Electrochimica Acta 2013.9.30,107:52~58
49. Liu, Yulu,Su, Yiguo,Han, Hui,Wang, Xiaojing,Hydrothermal Preparation of Copper Doped NaTaO3 Nanoparticles and Study on the Photocatalytic Mechanism,Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2013,13(2):853~857
(字体大小均为五号:中文用宋体,英文、数字用Times New Roman;1.5倍行距)
1. 苏毅国,王晓晶,杜春芳,班岳,韩慧,一种红色纳米荧光材料的制备,专利号:ZL201110136898.1其他发明人,其他发明人,一种碳纳米管和金属纳米颗粒复合物及其合成方法,专利号:ZL 200810226843.8。
2. 王晓晶,贾庆月,王姝玮,韩慧,一种光催化剂Na2Ta2O6(F)的制备方法,专利号:ZL 2011 1 0003389.1